Halloween Searches on xHamster
Looking for a sexy Halloween costume this year? xHamster has you covered. For Halloween 2019, we took fifty of the most popular “sexy” Halloween costumes and ran them through the xHamster Data Center.
The verdict: while The Sexy Joker may be xHamster’s top trending search this Halloween, he can’t hold a candle to a Sexy Nurse or Nun! Nurse and Nun blew away the competition this year for Sexiest Women, while Sexy Tarzan and Sexy Priest remain the top male fantasies.
If the near religious zeal for sexy nurses and priests disturbs you, take some comfort: Sexy Angel beats out Sexy Devil 3-to-1.
Top Trend: The Joker
While “Joker” comes in somewhere between Gladiator and Policeman in searches this year, he’s got stiff competition. Searches for the 100-year-old demon doll “Annabelle” were the real winner for horror searches.
And there must be something about dolls — serial-killer doll ”Chucky” is #3 on the list. (Sexy Pennywise barely breaks a thousand.)
But what type of ghoul really turns people on? Is it an alien? A ghost? An axe murderer. Nope.
The most searched for scare is … “Monster”. Like the type of intruder that’s so big it frightens you. It’s followed by a vampire —a nightly visitor who really sucks. Are we sensing a theme here?
Happy Halloween!
The verdict: while The Sexy Joker may be xHamster’s top trending search this Halloween, he can’t hold a candle to a Sexy Nurse or Nun! Nurse and Nun blew away the competition this year for Sexiest Women, while Sexy Tarzan and Sexy Priest remain the top male fantasies.
If the near religious zeal for sexy nurses and priests disturbs you, take some comfort: Sexy Angel beats out Sexy Devil 3-to-1.
Top Trend: The Joker
While “Joker” comes in somewhere between Gladiator and Policeman in searches this year, he’s got stiff competition. Searches for the 100-year-old demon doll “Annabelle” were the real winner for horror searches.
And there must be something about dolls — serial-killer doll ”Chucky” is #3 on the list. (Sexy Pennywise barely breaks a thousand.)
But what type of ghoul really turns people on? Is it an alien? A ghost? An axe murderer. Nope.
The most searched for scare is … “Monster”. Like the type of intruder that’s so big it frightens you. It’s followed by a vampire —a nightly visitor who really sucks. Are we sensing a theme here?
Happy Halloween!
5 роки(-ів) тому
-Happy Halloween!